Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One and a Half

On the big girls' half birthdays, I've been posting a list of their favorite things as a way of remembering what they were like at certain ages and to see how they've changed.  At 1.5 years old, it's Little's turn!  The age between 1.5 and 2.5 is one of my favorites - so much learning and changing in that space between not quite a baby and not quite a kid.  Lately I've had her fall asleep on my lap or my chest and her heavy, warm weight against me is just the best.  I know that the number of times that this happens is somewhat limited with her age and mobility and I'm trying to cherish those moments where she still seems more of a baby than a girl.

Since it's not quite as easy to know what her favorite color and foods are, these are some of her likes and dislikes.

Little Likes:

Puppies (toys, books, pictures . . . she's a little scared of real dogs)
Music of any sort
Riding tricycles or in her little Fisher Price car
Imitating anything that Middle does  
(carrying a purse and wearing necklaces, headbands, and sunglasses)

Peanut butter
Playing in water - pool, bathtub, our bathroom sink
Remote controls, light switches, and pushing buttons

Wearing shoes
Going down slides by herself

Little Doesn't Like:

Sitting in a highchair, shopping cart, or carseat
Having her hair brushed
The feeling of grass on her bare feet
Saying goodbye to mommy or daddy
Being told "no"
Being left out

But let's be honest . . . who does??

With each of my girls, I was amazed at how much they talked and how early.  Little said her first sentence this week ("I see Daddy") and these are some of her words at 18 months:
Daddy, Mommy & her sister's names
Stop It
Hi, Hello, Bye bye
Cook-a (Cookie)
Nana (Banana)


  1. I, too, love 1 ½ to 2 ½ - you can see what they learn every single day!

  2. Yay for little being little awhile longer.
    She cracks me us and her curiosity is great.
    Love coming around the corner and seeing a big smile on her face.
    You forgot her love of ranch dressing, cream cheese etc!!

  3. What a beauty. So nice to see all these picks and see howyour littlest is dong.
