Index of Recipes

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One Year Old

Ok, let's get the cliches out of the way:  Where does the time go?  How did she grow up SO fast?  I can't believe that my mini baby is one year old today!

At one year old, Little is adventurous, exploring every nook, cranny, and crumb on the floor.  She is also a cuddly, good natured kid with big smiles that instantly help her make friends with anyone who looks her way.  She's flexible and adaptable . . . as many 3rd children have to be . . . and as long as she can be a part of the action or a spectator, she's happy to just go along with the rest of the family.

Our family would not be the same without this little precious girl.  Her sisters constantly tell me (and other people) how happy they are that they have a baby sister or how cute they think their baby is or how much they love her.  These pictures speak for themselves and I'm so grateful that Little will grow up being so loved by her big sisters.


  1. She really is unique and precious in her own right! It's such a joy to see her happy, easy going personality develop. You're right, can't imagine life without baby J. And from my perspective, it's been an amazing year just watching you manage and juggle your life and family without missing a beat - my admiration for you as a woman and mom has grown just as much as each of your girls through this year! I'm proud of you!

  2. Ol, maybe cliche, but totally true. I mean really, where did the time go?

  3. Oh, she is cute! Happy birthday!
