Index of Recipes

Thursday, March 21, 2013

February 2013

February is the shortest month, often doesn't have the greatest weather, and is the month that I and Tiny were born.  I was organizing my photos the other day and couldn't believe the things I packed into those 28 days.  Before I move on posting about other stuff, I wanted to recap our family happenings in February 2013.

On February 1st, I took both girls to California Adventure by myself . . . which later I decided wasn't the smartest decision I've ever made but we had a great day.  The girls bought Jessie hats with some of their Christmas money.

Big learned to ride a 2 wheel bike without training wheels and amazed us by zooming up and down our cul de sac.

 Little turned two and a half on February 4th.  I took her to the park for the morning while Big sister was in school.

On Saturday the 8th, it hailed and we had friends over for dinner.  Between the 3 couples there are 3 February birthdays which we celebrated along with long-time friendships, better health and baby Gwendolyn - sad I didn't take any photos!

Then the next day, I took my girls to the Aquarium of the Pacific with our Claremont friends.  I had been promising this trip for a long time and wanted to make good on it before baby girl arrived.

We celebrated Valentine's Day at home with pink drinks, heart shaped sandwiches, and a "fancy" dinner at home.

My family celebrated my 35th birthday at family dinner with an amazing meal, fun gifts, and a birthday cake!  Although I was told a few times in the coming weeks that 35 is officially "advanced maternal age" I kept protesting "but I just turned 35!"

My husband and I had a night away at South Coast Winery in Temecula.  Because my doctor told  me to take it easy and come in every 3 days for non-stress tests (photo below), we missed our walking tour of the winery but had a delicious dinner and a much needed break (translate:  conversation without being interrupted by our kids and a full night's sleep that didn't involve sleeping on our kid's floor or in their bed with them because they are scared)

And, you all know the end of the story (which happens to be the end of the month) but it's the best part . . . Tiny baby sister made her appearance on 2/26 and on 2/28, we took her home with us!

1 comment:

  1. You did do a lot!
    As I’m guessing tiny has taught your good things come in small packages… like February :)
