Index of Recipes

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Big's Soup

Last weekend I took Little to run some errands while Big stayed with her auntie.  Before I left, she asked if she could "play cooking" in our condo which usually means pulling out dishes and pretending to cook.  So, I said "sure."  When I got back, I was greeted with a delicious cinnamony smell . . . almost like a candle or hot cider.  It turned out, it was Big's soup that she made from some food items I left on the counter and a couple that she found in the pantry.  My sister has a video but I'm having some technical difficulties on my end with it - I'll add it to this post if I can get it figured out.  We weren't sure it would be edible but we all had a bite and it was pretty good and it tasted like a breakfast dish.

I've been worrying about whether I'll be able to keep up with the blog when the new baby comes, but with ideas like this, I might just delegate.  Welcome my guest blogger for the day, Big.

I made cinnamon soup from some stuff.  It's easy and delicious.  My mom helped me figure out what measurements I used so here is what you need:

1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup rolled oats
4 baby carrots, chopped
6 saltine crackers, crushed
3 tablespoon peanut butter
2 cups water

You basically mix everything together in a big pot.  Crush up the crackers with your hands.  The brown sugar makes it taste good if you want to put extra.  I don't remember how many minutes it cooked for.  It's not gluten free because there is wheat in the crackers but I didn't know that at first.


  1. Well done, watch out she may take over! :)

  2. Tempting though that sounds, I might pass on this.

  3. AH: Where's your sense of adventure?!? I admit, when she first wanted me to taste it, I was very reluctant.
