Index of Recipes

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Conversations with Big Sister

** Vacation Edition **

Car Insurance 2

Big:  Look at that lizard!

Mom:  It's not a lizard; it's a gecko.

Big:  So, is it going to try and sell us car insurance?


Mom:  This island is called Hawaii or the Big Island

Big:  What is the island called where we live?

Mom:  Where we just were?

Big:  No, like where our house is in Claremont

Mom:  We don't live on an island.

Big:  But there's the beach in California so how come it's not an island?

Good Behavior

Dad:  Do you think you had good behavior today?

Big:  I was really good today . . . . . . except for when I slammed my sister down and banged her head.


Big:  What does "relentless" mean?

Mom:  Where did you hear that?

Big:  A lady at the pool called me that


  1. I loved the good behavior one. Sounds like my kids. :-)
    I'm enjoying the stories!

  2. Looks like you have a debate champ I your future. She's a quick one, with the word at least.

  3. I'd say that Big Sister has her Mother's vocabulary! How funny.

  4. Big is so brilliant and bossy. Plus, I can't believe she remembered the Dr Seuss story and realized that yes, The Huntington is my backyard.

  5. Today: "Mom, what does 'disegage' mean?"
    "Do you know that the platypus has a sense that we don't have? It's called electroreception. And, they're the only mammals that lay eggs."
