Index of Recipes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter recap

I know this is a little late but I still wanted to share some of our Easter 2011 memories.  Easter this year was marked with a significant amount of understanding of the true meaning of the holiday, thanks in part to big sister's bible teacher at preschool.  She came home with a "wordless book" and the words to a song explaining the gospel.  I wish you could hear her little voice sing this (usually quite loudly):
My heart was sad with sin
Until the Savior came in
His precious blood I know
Has washed me pure as snow
And in God's word, I'm told,
We'll walk the streets of gold
What a wonderful, wonderful day,
He took my sins away.

They're also learning about the second coming and big sister got it all a little mixed up - she kept thinking that on Easter Sunday when we celebrate the resurrection, Jesus was going to "rise again from heaven" and told me she would "probably feel a little shy" when she was Jesus on Easter.  Then, at our sunrise service, there was a cross behind the pastor and big sister turned to me with a loud whisper and asked, "Is that the cross where Jesus really died?"  and then "but were you there when he died?"  So cute.

We dyed Easter eggs with Grammy Judy: 

The girls had some pretty cute Easter outfits (no hats or gloves like when I was little):

An Easter egg hunt at Grammy Heidi's house with my niece:

And, of course, some Easter treats:
Empty Tomb cookies


I had heard about these Easter story / Empty tomb cookies for awhile and this year, I made them with big sister and my niece the night before Easter.  My photos of that cooking experience aren't great but it was complete with smashing nuts (almost to the detriment of my new countertops . . . two toddlers + meat mallet = not my brightest idea), whipping egg whites (almost injuring little fingers in my stand mixer), and reading bible verses together.  

I used this recipe:  Easter Story Cookies    

I also made coconut macaroons for the first time.  I have to admit, I ate way, way too much sugar and am still paying for it, but they were delicious.  I followed the recipe from Baked Bree except for using part unsweetened coconut and was pleased with the results.  (As usual, she has beautiful photos of all the recipe's steps).

Both cookie recipes are gluten free!

1 comment:

  1. Those two amazing faces. I think you should shoot and post a video of big sister singing the song. Really.

    (And thanks for your kind words.)
