Index of Recipes

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My 200th Post

For this, my #200 post on my blog, I offer this picture tutorial on making a pumpkin cake.  I'm pretty proud of myself for making something that has to be decorated after my previous decorating disasters.  Happy belated birthday to Stephanie, my foodie friend and partner in crime!

A few notes:
I made spice cakes and vanilla frosting.  The stem is a green ice cream cone (Ralphs carries colored cones for 99 cents a box).  I used green fruit roll ups (green apple flavor) for the decorations and cut them out with a sharp knife.  The food coloring was a bit of a challenge and it looked pink, not orange, for a long time!


  1. Very impressive! Congrats on both the cake and the blog.

  2. 200 Posts! That's incredible, Bec! Way to go. and nice cake.

  3. Very cute! I did something like this years ago from a Martha Stewart recipe and it completely failed. I bet yours was the hit of the party!

  4. you are too clever! you must have had a mom that taught you how to do lots of arts and craps. Oh wait - thats false. Great pumpkin cake Bec, I'm impressed!

  5. I was just blogging last night and realized that my post on 11/2 was my 200th post. You get more credit because you've done it in like 2 years and it's taken me about 3 years. In any case, cheers to 200!

  6. wow...that's impressive. How about a buche de noel (spelling? let's go with yule log) for post 300?
    I think you are ready to perfect the caramel flung on the broomstick technique that has eluded me,

  7. Heather - congrats to you too :)
    Paula - OMG. I just got out the Buche de Noel instructions you gave me in my recipe box when I got married and they are so confusing! How did you ever follow them and end up with something? If I do attempt the yule log, it will probably be with a clearer recipe / instructions. Yikes.

  8. Oh my gosh that is so cute. You kill me. Congrats on the 200 posts. That's crazy... Tiff

  9. Um, next dessert:

    what do you say?

  10. Yes, please! That cake looks great.
