Index of Recipes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Look what was cooking . . .

Here she is! Baby Girl #2 was born 9 days ahead of her due date last Wednesday. Tomorrow she'll be a whole week old and she's perfect. Right down to the teeny tiny fingers and toes.

How could I have forgotten what it is like to hold a little baby and what a miracle they are? I've thought this before but again I was struck with the amazing miracle of life that God gives us and how incredible babies are. I'm not sure how someone can hold their own child for the first time and not believe that there is a God. He is so good!

For those of you who have emailed or called, thank you for your congratulations, prayers, and kind thoughts. Even if I haven't responded, they are much appreciated!


  1. Your best creation yet! She is beautiful, and so blessed to have a family like you all. Can't wait to meet her and hear more! Hope you're enjoying these early days together. Love to you all.

  2. Many, many congratulations! I adore the last photo of your two perfect creations.

  3. Whatever you cook up always comes out looking great, Bec!

  4. Welcome precious little one! This Grammy is looking forward to many happy meals together! I'm so proud of you Bec, and the wonderful mother you are!

  5. So precious - truly a miracle! And I love the mohawk in the first picture! :) Can't wait to meet this little bundle... hopefully sooner rather than later. Love you!

  6. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! I'm totally impressed that you are already back in the kitchen :)

  7. What beautiful Girls! Congratulations again.

    Lyn Hughe
