Index of Recipes

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, if I can't get you lurkers to post a comment any other way, maybe you'll be guilted into wishing me a Happy Birthday :)  I'm 34 years old today and have had a wonderful weekend and day so far.  Because tomorrow is Valentine's Day, my birthday has included a cooking project with big sister while Little took her nap.

If you need a Valentine's day treat, this is easy . . . the hardest part (especially for the 4 year old) is waiting the 3 hours to slice and eat it!

I was going to make fudge at Christmas time and even had the ingredients, but my girls got sick, I got behind and it was one project that just didn't materialize.  So, I saved the idea (and the mini marshmallows) for today.

The recipe can be found here.  I followed it exactly and it looks good.  I really liked how it didn't involve a candy thermometer and the ingredients were common.  I even (for once) lined my pan so that I have a chance of getting the fudge out to slice it into squares and give as gifts.  Even if it is my birthday, I can't eat the whole pan myself!

After I got Big all excited about the project, I realized that most of the cooking was on the stovetop with hot liquid sugary mess.  So, she measured into the pot before I turned on the heat and then got to decorate.

The best part . . . . . sprinkles!

Now we have to wait 3 hours

My future food blogger.  I love the concentration on her face as she tries to capture the perfect shot of the end product.


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! I too love that last picture :)

  3. Happy Birthday Bec. Feb. 13 is really a big day with H & T anniversary and also Carol and Doug's anniversary.

    Wishes for many more.


  4. Happy birthday. Nothing beats fudge. Hope the wait was worth it.

  5. Aww, happy birthday! I'm not a lurker, really, just came by to say the fudge was delicious. Then I got distracted and started checking out the other recipes ... you know how it is.

  6. P.S. Note use of past tense to describe fudge *g*.

  7. That Jenna is getting to be such a big girl! Glad you had a nice day...

  8. Happy Birthday Becs!!! Sorry a bit late, but still sending you wishes for happiness and lots of good food this year!!!

  9. Happy (belated) birthday, Rebecca! Hope your day was wonderful!

  10. Happy (super late) Birthday to you!!! I hope that it was wonderful. Did the fudge turn out well? It looks great :)

  11. Yes - the end report is that the fudge turned out pretty perfect. It'll definitely go on my Christmas treat list. I think something crunchy (toasted almonds? toffee?) on top or in the middle would be great.
